Site News What's New?

Nov.12 .16: Ann-Mari has been sending me some collages etc.for the Fan Art section on Tribal Digest. A few things belong here, which I have done.

??.??.??: That Guestbook I set up became no longer Free, and so it is no more.

Jan.5 .06: I set up a Guestbook in November, so I hope ya'll gonna come in and sign it.

Oct.15 .05: The second Episode is up in the Guide. I found a way of banishing the signing woman (Yay!). My thanks to Lance at Tribeverse and to Kate for giving me clues as to what was going on. I''ve implemented the "What's New" page for details of content updates. It seems that wallpapers briefly went "down" today. Well that's the Globat server for you.

Oct.8 .05: The first Episode is up in the Guide. Imagine my disappointment last Sunday when stuck on top, obscuring much of the picture, was a signing woman. That's what you are forced to have (no choice) when you pay to receive digital. When Flame passed judgment on the contest loser, I could only guess his thumb was "down". And like 99% of fans who don't understand sign language, I couldn't tell by watching the gesticulations. I am indebted to Lance at Tribeverse ( who has agreed to make his copy of each episode available, week by week. Without his help, the TNT Episode Guide just wouldn't have happened.

Sep.22 .05: Welcome to the launch of this new site devoted to the Cloud 9 show, The New Tomorow, a next generation derivative of The Tribe. The format of this site will be similar to Tribal Digest, with Episode Guides written by myself (Stewart) the Webmaster, plus Wallpapers, and Fanfics etc as and when Fans feel inspired. Kate has already made 4 wallpapers featuring Sky, and the three main Tribes. The first Episode will be shown on Sunday October 2nd, and the first Episode Guide will be posted within a few days. Make a note of the URL to this page. It is